They say Facebook stimulates narcissism, amplifies anxieties and triggers dependence. These are three of the conclusions various studies put forward, but we’d really like to understand more. What else is Facebook doing to us? [Guest post by Mihnea Maruta]
Programmatic Trading: two important reports
The buying and selling of online advertising space is changing. Fast.
How low can we go?
The downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 is such a profound tragedy it can hardly be expressed with words. But it’s all too sad what happened afterwards, also. Into the media, into politics and so on.
dStanca ⋅ BUSINESS, LIFE ⋅ No comments
Zuckerberg buys a company founded in Cluj, Romania
I’m talking about LiveRail. Sort of a breaking news for Romanian tech community.
Thank you: thoughts and pictures after ICEEfest 2014

I couldn’t find, after a few days, any negative feedback about ICEEfest 2014. I don’t think it’s 100% deserved: we still have some things to improve, but fortunately there’s a certain amount of gentleness inside the industry. I appreciate it.
dStanca ⋅ BUSINESS, LIFE ⋅ No comments